Chromium Renderserver User Guide

  1. X Servers
  2. Running the VNC Proxy
  3. Running VNC Viewers

1. X Servers

The X server which will display your application should be started in the normal manner. Alternately, you may be using a DMX X server for a multi-screen display.

Make note of the display name of the X server (we'll use mars:1 below).

2. Running the VNC Proxy

Start the VNC proxy, specifying the X display name from step 1. For example:

vncproxy mars:1

A more advanced example, which uses hextile encoding, RFB caching and frame synchronization is:

vncproxy -x -R -F mars:1

Make note of the hostname of the system that you're running the VNC Proxy on. We'll assume "proxy" below. By default, the VNC Proxy will listen on port 5999 (corresponding to X display :99) for viewer connections.

In a production environment, you may want to configure your system to automatically start the VNC Proxy whenever the X server or DMX server starts. This can be done by modifying your X start-up scripts.

3. Running VNC Viewers

Any number of VNC viewers can be attached to the VNC proxy. There are many different VNC viewers available to choose from.

Typically, you need to specify a hostname and screen number to the viewer to indicate which VNC server to connect to. Following the example above, this would be "proxy:99".

A specific example using the xf4vnc viewer is:

vncviewer -x11cursor -encodings proxy:99

Note that we're using the hextile encoding to match the second VNC Proxy example above. The -x11cursor option prevents pointer flickering.